

April: Strength

April 3th, 2019

I used to think strength meant loud and outspoken and unrelenting. Sometimes it is. But motherhood has taught me that strength is also soft and thoughtful and peaceful. It takes strength to say no. Strength to slow down. Strength to wait. Strength to say sorry. Strength to be uncertain. Strength to be imp...
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March: Inspire

March 5th, 2019

What kind of parent did you dream you’d be? Have you taken the time to ask yourself lately? Whenever I am in a slump as a mother, it’s generally because somewhere along the way I stopped envisioning and started just surviving. It can feel too daunting to stop and imagine what I really want our time togeth...
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February: Connection

February 2th, 2019

I’ve birthed four babies. Some of those babies I felt connected to in the womb and others it wasn’t until months after they were born before I felt the same level of connection. I knew I loved them, but the connection was different. It was easy to judge myself for that, like it was something to be embarra...
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January: Renew

January 3th, 2019

You did so much last year. You may not think you did, but I promise you that you did. Some of you may not have included how many school lunches you made or finding your way through postpartum depression or how many times you got up with a fussy baby or going back to work after maternity leave on your Chri...
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