

How to Find Calm in the Midst of a Pandemic

April 13th, 2020

Our brains are made to protect us from danger, which is amazing, but they are not very good at recognizing when it is time to calm the freak down. Make sure you are in the driver's seat, not your primal brain. How can you do that? Be intentional with your thoughts. Read empowering thoughts like these. ("T...
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How to Not Feel Isolated During Covid-19

March 21th, 2020

This is for the postpartum mama, but really it works for everyone.✨ We may be physically quarantined but we don't need to be emotionally quarantined. It's easy for me to not reach out to other people when I'm having a hard time because I don't want to be a "downer" but two things. 1 / self-isolating emoti...
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A Guide to Having a Baby During Covid-19

March 18th, 2020

Thinking of you, pregnant and postpartum mamas.💛 Hope this helps manage your mind a little bit through this time. Your brain may want to tell you that everything is an emergency, but our brains just trip out on the unknown. Our most productive action comes from feeling empowered and just focusing on takin...
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