

Happy Sollyween!

October 26th, 2015

Creative Halloween costumes while babywearing are so much fun! Last year, Frances and I dressed up as Little Bo Peep and her precious little sheep, which was a last minute costume that I pulled together from random things around my house but this year I really wanted to make sure I planned ahead so I bou...
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Ayesha Curry in her Solly Baby

October 16th, 2015

  Ayesha Curry is married to 2015 NBA Championship Winner, mom to Riley and Ryan, founder of Little Lights of Mine and a Solly Baby fan! In this recent feature on the Rachael Ray show, she talks about mom life, her daily struggles and some of the things that matter most to her. Ayesha is beautiful inside ...
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Bringing Home Baby

October 6th, 2015

The feeling of a new baby in your home is almost impossible to describe. Time seems to stand still for a moment and, even amidst crying and gas and sleeplessness, the beauty of the whole thing is almost intoxicating. Somehow Shelby Osmond captures it perfectly in this video. Like, I-should-probably-have-te...
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Welcoming the fall season with @kailee_wright

October 1th, 2015

Contributor: Kailee Wright "A typical day for our family of six seems to change with the seasons...right now the older two kids are in school and soccer, while our spunky 4 year old, Hayden, has started preschool and dance. So some days are a little crazier than others, but I wouldn't change it for ...
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